Exciting Content

Filmbankmedia is a joint venture between Warner Bros., Sony Pictures and NT Digital Partners. Established in 1986, they represent major Hollywood, Bollywood and independent film studios and distributors for film screenings outside of the cinema and home.

Mobile apps big-bang
Mobile apps breaking-bad
Mobile apps mad-men
Mobile apps genius

Samples of Filmbank’s premium content

Filmbankmedia curate & service content

Through our partner Filmbankmedia, we can provide premium film and TV series from Warner Bros., Sony Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Lionsgate and National Geographic.

Unrivalled experience in advising hundreds of clients in a wide range of organisations and markets, Filmbankmedia can curate the right content for any audience. With their support, you can be sure to offer a terrific selection of content guaranteed to keep all your customers entertained.

Filmbankmedia services content in over 20 languages, providing dubbed and subtitled versions relevant to your territory or customer needs.

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